- The blue leather chair that I am sitting in is pretty comfy, except that it is so low to the ground that I feel like I'm a little kid. It's kind of like the effect you get when you sit in a chair where your feet can't touch the ground... except in reverse. I don't know if that makes sense, but if you have ever used the men's bathroom in the University of Redlands athletic center, you probably know what I am talking about.
- There is an older couple sitting across from me (I'd venture to guess they are 80+) and the old man is reading the newspaper to his wife. I get the sense that this is an everyday occurrence for them. For lack of a better description, they are extremely cute.
Note: The word cute will never be used on this blog again.
- A lady just sat down with her complementary cup of coffee and breakfast bar. Her attempts to open up the breakfast bar packaging quietly are failing miserably. Just open the damn package already.
- I watched 24: Redemption last night. It was a last minute decision as I wasn't sure if I wanted to devote the next 24 Monday nights to watching Jack Bauer yell at people. Then I remembered the amazing invention known as DVR.
- Another reason why I am choosing to watch this season's 24... My boss/dad definitely had "New 24 Season Starts" marked down on his calender. He is addicted. I haven't seen him so into a show since the X-Files. I look forward to dropping random Jack Bauer references into our conversations over the next few months.
"Jon... Jack Bauer is on line 1. He says it's urgent."
- There is a sign by the complementary coffee stand that says "This costs more to maintain than a BMW." Apparently it hasn't exceeded the 4 year/50,000 mile warranty yet.
- I ran for the first time in 3 weeks on Saturday. I am happy to report that my foot was pain free. Just in time for the 3 Turkey Bowls that I am playing in this week. Food and Football. What could be better?
- Can't think of anything else to write about right now... time for another cup of coffee.
- Okay. I'm back! Wait... this blog isn't in real time is it? Nevermind.
- I really want to sneak a picture of the old couple sitting across from me for the blog, except turning my macbook towards them isn't exactly subtle when they would be able to see themselves in the picture preview. Then again, the lady is now snoozing with her head on the arm of her chair and the old man is thoroughly engaged in his newspaper.
- Nevermind. My car just pulled up. Ugh... It looks clean. I forgot to tell them not to wash it. Last time they washed it they put about 1000 new swirl marks on my car. Hopefully they vacuumed.
Alright. Time to go to work.