Q: What's this about a marathon?
A: I'm going to run a marathon. I decided this at 10:57 am today.
Q: Okay... that's cool, I guess. When are you going to do it?
A: This Saturday.
Q: What? Are you serious? Shouldn't you train for a marathon first?
A: For the last 2 months I've been alternating between 3 mile jogs and sprint work 5 times a week. Today I ran 6.58 miles (1/4 a marathon) as a warm-up and I am confident that I can make it 26.2 miles. I plan on taking a rest day tomorrow and loading up on carbs for my run Saturday.
Q: Haha, right. Because 6.58 miles is just a hop, skip, and a jump from 26.2 miles.
A: That's exactly what I was thinking.
Q: So... did you just google "Marathon + Saturday + Tacoma" and find one to run in?
A: No. I'm going at this alone. I decided that I don't want to have to deal with traffic or distractions, so I'm going to run my marathon using the loop around CWA. It is .658 miles around and 40 laps will log me in at just over 26.2 miles.
Q: You do realize that you are going to miss some great football games, right?
A: DVR is a great thing... and I plan on being done in time to catch the Texas (No. 1) vs. Texas Tech (No. 7) game.
Q: This seems pretty random...
A: Sort of. I've randomly gone on long runs on a few occasions. The last time I attempted something like this I was slightly intoxicated and decided that I wanted to replicate a 22 mile walk I did while pledging. I left at 2am and by 7am I had eaten up 20 miles of pavement and couldn't take another step. Luckily, I had my phone on me and my roommate came to carry me home. Thanks Hoopie.
Q: Again with the fraternity references... you do realize that you aren't in college anymore, right?
A: Yeah, sorry...
Q: Forgiven. You only made it 20 miles last time. What makes you think that you will be able to do 26.2?
A: I'm in much better shape right now and I won't be intoxicated this time. Also, I'm planning ahead and making sure I eat properly the night before, as well as having some snacks to refuel along the way.
Q: Any predictions on how long it will take you, that is, assuming you finish?
A: When I ran 6.58 miles today I ran at just under a 10 minute pace. I felt fine afterwards and I feel like I can keep that pace for a good amount of time. I think 5 hours is a reasonable estimate, which would equate to roughly a 11:30 pace. Ideally, I'd like to come in at around 4 hours 30 minutes.
Q: What if you don't finish in under 5 hours?
A: My goal is to finish. If it takes me 10 hours and I have to walk half the time or stop for 3 hours, then so be it. 5 hours is just an estimate of how long I think it will take me.
Q: Walking half the time or taking a 3 hour rest stop would be pretty pathetic.
A: Agreed. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.
Q: Rewind a second... *boo boop* Why are you doing this again?
A: Life has a way of piling up every once in a while and running a long distance will be a good chance for me to clear my head. I feel like I've placed a bunch of arbitrary barriers on myself and I think that running a marathon will help me break through them.
Q: That sounds... uhh, neat.
A: Thanks, me.
Q: Well, good luck in your marathon.
A: Don't you mean, "our" marathon.
Q: Shit.
A: Hahaha...
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