I think this is somewhat self-explanatory... Enjoy!
Bart Simpson - While it is obvious to you that something bad is going on, you will most likely never see the direct effects of this economic downturn. If someone talks to you about the current state of the economy, your reply will probably be something along the lines of “Bummer, dude.”

Lisa Simpson - You are concerned about the current state of the economy and work hard to educate yourself about what is going on. Now is not the time to… “AHHHHHHHH… BART!!!” As you were saying, now is not the time to panic.
Marge Simpson - You keep your money in a cookie jar and try not to spend much. The economy worries you and you are starting to think that finding a job would not be a bad idea… Perhaps the police department is hiring?

Homer Simpson - You have no idea why everyone is so worried about the US economy. The only question that pops into your head when someone mentions the stock market is “what kind of food you can buy there?"
Maggie Simpson - You don't speak, much less read. Chances are that you are not this character...

Grampa Simspon - You are panicked and depressed. No one will explain to you what is really going on. Your assumption is that you are about to relive the Great Depression and that you will be forced to move in with your son.
Apu Nahasapeemapetilon - In times like these, business isn’t great. Lucky for you, "you are most happily married and have eight amazing children..." all of which you are still responsible for feeding. While life is stressful, you remain cheerful and continue to go about your job. "Thank you, come again!"

Mr. Burns - A month ago you ordered Smithers to sell everything. Now, you are sitting on a hoard of cash, watching the market fall, and muttering yourself "Excellent..." The only question you have is “when will be the right time to buy back into the US economy?”
Moe Szylak - You own your own business and have two main concerns. That Duffman will stop delivering the beer you need to serve your customers and that your customers (Barney, Homer, Lenny, Carl, ect...) will run out of money to pay for… hold on a second, phone call. "Someone’s looking for Mike Rotch. Has anyone seen MIKE ROTCH?"

Barney Gumble - The economy is tanking. The only question on your mind is “What does this mean for beer prices?” Despite the fact that you probably have nothing invested in the stock market, you decide to turn towards drinking to deal with the current state of things. Chances are that you are still in college and never make it to your Friday morning classes. That, or you are an alcoholic and currently going nowhere with your life. Let's hope you're the first...
Ned Flanders - Times like these are testing, but your faith in God (and the US economy) remains steadfast. If ever you need re-assurance, you can always call Reverend Lovejoy...

Reverend Lovejoy - Once a faithful believer in the US economy, you are now convinced that the world is about to end. The wrath of God is upon us. Run for the hills.
Milhouse Van Houten - You are extremely nearsighted and cannot see beyond the current economic crisis. Needless to say, your current state is one of complete panic.
Nelson Muntz - You aren't invested in the stock market and are currently laughing/pointing your finger at the people who are. However, chances are that you aren't saving money and in reality, the joke is on you.

Ralph Wiggum - Phrases such as “It tastes like burning!” and “I found a moon rock in my nose!” are the norm for you. However stupid people may think you are, even you realize that these are not good times for the US economy. You have dreams of one day becoming the President of the United States of America...
Principal Seymour Skinner - You job is funded by the US Government. An economic crisis only means one thing... your funding is about to take another hit. Things were much simpler back in Vietnam...

Krusty the Clown - The current state of the US economy makes you miserable, and every time you look at the DJIA, it only gets worse. Still, you manage to continue on with your life, relying on a large number of cigarettes to get you through your day.
Otto Mann - Between drugs, sleeping in strange places, and driving a school bus, you are pretty used to crashing. The current stock market crash is no different.

Comic Book Guy - According to you this is the "Worst crash ever." Luckily, all of your money is invested in your vast comic book collection.
Chief Wiggum - You eat your coffee and donut every morning and remain completely ignorant to what is going on in the US economy. If something goes wrong, it isn't your fault. This crisis won't affect you, unless of course… Springfield has to cut the budget and you lose your job.
Note: You will only realize this last part a month after being laid off.

Mayor Quimby - Straight from Wikipedia... you are "a slick, opportunistic politician whose chief priorities seem to be keeping [yourself] in office, womanizing, and various forms of corruption." There is a significant chance that you are also a member of the United States Congress and are up for re-election in a month.
Santa's Little Helper - All you do is eat, sleep, poop, and chew things. The global economy, much less the US economy, is of no concern to you.
Blinky - You have three eyes... and you're a fish. You are the byproduct of this whole economic mess. You are completely innocent when it comes to everything.

Groundskeeper Willie - You're angry. You're angry at everyone from the the mortgage borrowers to the US government. This mess wouldn't have happened if Mel Gibson were President.
Troy McClure - You may remember yourself from such educational firms as "How to get Rich Quick" and "Money Money Money." Much like the economy, your career is going through somewhat of a downtown...
Martin Prince - The stereotypical nerd, you are extremely brilliant. You will come out of this economic crisis extremely rich. Watch out for Nelson... you are his personal retirement fund.

Hans Moleman - You are heavily invested in the US financial sector and had an extremely large holding in Washington Mutual. This is not your lucky day, month, or year...
Dr. Hibbert - *Chuckle* You believe that the cure for this economic crisis is to simply remove the troubled mortgage backed securities from the market in the form of a $700 billion bailout by the US Government. *Chuckle*
...a.k.a. Dr. Lisa Hibbert Simpson
1 comment:
I think I'm actually Wendell, the Albino looking kid who throws up on the bus. That's what the stock market is making me do on a daily basis.
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