YMCA Turkey Bowl: Our team won, no thanks in part to myself, as my hamstring decide to go on strike midway through the first game. CJ threw for roughly 20,000 TD’s, half of which were on short passes to this ridiculously quick guy named Chris who would run past 7 defenders and into the end zone before they could grab his flag.
CWA Turkey Bowl: My team won, twice. This time, I’d like to think that I had some small part in it due to my team picking skills. The best part of the whole event was Todd showing up and pulling out the hit stick on an interception pass that was 30 yards downfield at the time of “The Hit.”
My Hamstring: Still hates me. When did I turn into an injury prone old man? This sucks.
Thanksgiving Dinner: My mom decided not to make mashed potatoes this year and went with some fancy rice dish instead. If she ever decides to pull this stunt again it isn’t going to be pretty.
Thanksgiving Dinner Discussion: When asked what I was thankful for, I decided to go with the controversial “I’m thankful for our President, George Bush.” After all, the guy has served our country for the last 8 years. Despite what you may think of him, can we at least give him a little bit of respect?
This made my sister go crazy, at which point something along the lines of
“Are you serious? George Bush CAUSED 9/11. Have you not seen Fahrenheit 9/11?”came out of her mouth. She then followed this up by saying that the Bush family gave money to foreign oil companies, which had terrorist connections, which meant that our President caused 9/11.
Apparently, she mistook the “6 Degrees to Kevin Bacon” game for the “6 Degrees to Causing 9/11” game. It’s one thing to draw connections or even state that George Bush could have done more to prevent 9/11, but to blame the President for actually causing 9/11? Get serious.
CWA Masa Reunion: Good times. At some point in the night I made the decision to walk the 1.8 miles home. Luckily, Zeyad drove by and came to my rescue by taking me the rest of the way. Sadly, he was unable to save me from the extremely painful Saturday that I went through, which was obviously caused by my hamstring injury and had nothing to do with tequila shots.
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