If aren't aware, I work in a smallish-sized office building. It is a very nice building and about three other companies share the space with us. Along with this shared space is two private, single bathrooms. One for men, one for women.
Typically, there are a few hunting and golfing magazines sitting on top of the toilet, which I expect is standard with offices like ours. Today however, instead of golfing magazines, there were three editions of Playboy sitting on top of the toilet. WTF?
Not that I have anything against Playboy, or beautiful naked women for that matter, but who leaves Playboy magazines in restroom, at a place of business? If you want to sneak one in there, that's one thing (still pretty weird), but these were obviously left there for other people to read. One thought is that maybe someone accidentally left them there? Doubtful considering there were three of them. The second thought is that it was a joke? It isn't April fools though.
The awkward part of this is that I'm easily the youngest guy in the building. All the other men here have to be over 50... which means one of them decided to buy three Playboys and stick them in the men's room, for their, and others enjoyment. This is extremely creepy and I really am trying not to think about it more then I have too right now.
As the youngest, I hope I don't get blamed for this. I'd throw them away myself, except I really have no desire to touch them. Also, there is a small part of me that is waiting/hoping for someone else to see them and get mad about it. Hopefully, that someone won't be one of our clients.
Really now, who in their right mind would think that Playboy would be appropriate office restroom reading material? A house with a bunch of college guys? Sure. But an office? Wow. This boggles my mind. Which reminds me of the second thing I wanted to discuss...
If I were to go into a stall at a public restroom, say at a stadium, movie theater, or even a school, I'd almost expect (sadly) to see that someone had some piss poor aim (pun intended). What I don't expect, is that when going into a restroom in a small business office (where only 10 or so people that use the restroom) that I would find the same.
Again, WTF? The reason I would expect this in a public place is because there are probably a lot of 3rd graders out there who probably don't care if they lift the toilet seat. But 50 year old men? Come on now, give me a break. At the very least, feel free to clean up after yourself.
On the bright side, we are moving offices this month. Well, in actuality we are just moving to the other side of the building. Luckily, there is a separate bathroom over there and I am hopeful that these issues will not carry over.
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